This weekend we grabbed an older German cookbook that I had been given by my Grandmother and picked something fun to make. We decided on “Apfelküchle mit Vanillesoße” which means small apple cake with vanilla sauce. It’s pretty much a slice of apple in beer-batter deep fried and drowned in vanilla sauce. It is really easy to make and luckily we had all the ingredients already at home.

apfelkuchle - apples in beer-batter
Source: Kulinarische Strifzüge durch Schwaben

The original German recipe

(Quelle: Kulinarische Strifzüge durch Schwaben)

Fur den Backteig:
500g Mehl
1/3 Liter Bier
1 Prise Salz
30g Zucker
2 Eßlöffel Öl
4 Geschlagene Eiwess

Für die Vanillesoße:
½ Liter Milch
1 Vanilleschote
125 g Zucker
30 g Mondamin
3 Eigelb
1/8 Liter Sahne

Äpfel nach bedarf und Zimt-Zucker-Mischung

Die Zutaten für den Backteig miteinander verrühren. Die Äpfel schälen, das Kernhaus ausstechen und die Äpfle in ca. 1 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Nun die Scheiben im Bierteig wenden und im Fettbad bei 180° grad gold-gelb ausbacken. Die gabackenen Apfelküchle in der Zimt-Zucker-Mischung weltzen und auf einen Teller anrichten. Dann die Zutaten für die Vannillesoße miteinander verrühren und erhitzen. Die Vanillasoße kann über die angerichteten Apfleküchle gegoßen oder auch extra serviert warden.

The translated and converted version:

For the bier-batter:
4 cups of flour
11.16 fl. Oz. bier
1 pinch of salt
2 ½ Tablespoons Sugar
2 Tablespoons Oil
4 Whipped Eggwhites

For the Vanilla sauce:
2 cups of milk
1 Vanilla shot (I used Vanilla extract)
10 Tablespoons Sugar
2 ½ Tablespoons Food starch (corn)
3 Egg yolk
½ Cup of cream

Apples and cinnamon-sugar mix

Appel in Beer-Batter - German Apfelküchle

Mix all your ingredients for the bier-batter thoroughly. Peel the apples and remove the apple core. Then cut them in 3/8” thick slices. Dip them into the beer-batter and fry them at 360° degrees until they look golden brown on both sides. Smother both sides in the cinnamon-sugar mix. Mix all your ingredients for the Vanilla sauce and heat it up shortly. Serve the sauce on the side or pour the sauce directly on the apple cakes before serving.

Apple in Beer-Batter - German Apfelküchle mit Vanillesoße

I rounded some of the numbers in the conversion ours came out very yummy. I used the whole bottle of Alaskan Amber bier and also 4 egg yolks since we had 4 from the egg whites and I did not want to have one leftover. We didn’t have a deep fryer and used a pan with some oil instead which is probably the reason why mine doesn’t look as nice as the ones on the recipe picture. The flavor made up for it by far. We ate way too many. Once you start eating these you can’t stop. Getting into the holiday season this is something easy to try and I am sure the entire family will love it.